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Press releases, articles, reviews, etc. 

Kent Blossom Music Festival Fox 8

July 7, 2023: Yun Cao and Ricardo Sepulveda, Director of Kent Blossom Music Festival talk about about the Kent Blossom Music Festival on New Day Cleveland 


News: Fox 8 New Day Cleveland 

Kent Blossom Music Festival WKYC 3

July 7, 2023: Yun Cao and Ricardo Sepulveda, Director of Kent Blossom Music Festival speaks with Hollie Strando about the Kent Blossom Music Festival 


News: WKYC Channel 3 with Hollie Strano

Capturing Lessons Learned with Frost Symphony Orchestra Music Director Gerard Schwarz

April 6, 2023: Frost School of Music, University of Miami 


News Article: Capturing Lessons Learned

88 Keys to Success 

April 1, 2017: FGCU Eagle News features pianist Yun Cao in an exclusive profile.  


News article: 88 Keys to Success

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